Still Life as a Daily Activity

Doing daily creative tasks is a great way to stay sharp and motivated; the few times I did it in the past proved to be quite helpful. Nonetheless, this time around, I don't intend to stress over if, for whatever reason, I cannot stick to plan. There are far more important things in life than taking a picture or making a drawing.

Besides serving me with motivation, doing a still life every day forces me to challenge my decisionmaking, which trains me to be intentional or concept-driven through the use of limitations. I try to be deliberate with the amount of time I spend with the still life and the elements included in the design.

My basic set of rules when doing still lives refer to the relationship between shapes, color harmony, and context. Staying within those parameters help me find design balance and attempt to be narrative. You can click here if you wish to view an extended gallery of my still life photography.